Textbook of Medical Physiology by Indu Khurana: A Comprehensive and Updated Guide for Medical Students
Medical physiology is the study of how the human body functions in health and disease. It is a core subject for medical students, as it provides the basis for understanding the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. However, medical physiology is also a dynamic and evolving field, with new discoveries and advances being made every day.
Therefore, medical students need a textbook that not only covers the basic concepts and principles of physiology, but also incorporates the latest research and clinical applications. One such textbook is Textbook of Medical Physiology by Indu Khurana, Arushi Khurana and Narayan Kowlgi. This textbook, now in its third edition, is one of the most popular and widely used books on medical physiology in India and abroad.
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Textbook of Medical Physiology by Indu Khurana offers a comprehensive and updated coverage of all the major topics of medical physiology, such as general physiology, blood and body fluids, nerve and muscle, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, renal system, endocrine system, reproductive system, gastrointestinal system, nutrition and metabolism, environmental physiology and special senses. The book is divided into 11 sections and 178 chapters, each chapter beginning with a brief outline of the topic followed by detailed explanations, diagrams, tables and flowcharts for easy comprehension. The book also includes numerous clinical cases, applied aspects, review questions and MCQs to help students apply their knowledge and prepare for examinations.
The third edition of Textbook of Medical Physiology by Indu Khurana has been thoroughly revised and updated with recent molecular concepts on pathophysiology, advances in investigations and therapeutic principles. The book also features new chapters on stem cells, epigenetics, obesity, diabetes mellitus, aging and longevity. The book is complemented by an online resource that provides access to additional content such as animations, videos, images and self-assessment questions.
Textbook of Medical Physiology by Indu Khurana is an indispensable resource for medical students who want to master the subject of medical physiology and excel in their exams. The book is available in both print and e-book formats from Elsevier India.
One of the unique features of Textbook of Medical Physiology by Indu Khurana is the inclusion of applied physiology boxes in each chapter. These boxes highlight the relevance of physiology to clinical practice and provide examples of how physiological concepts can be applied to understand and manage various diseases and disorders. For instance, the chapter on cardiovascular system includes applied physiology boxes on hypertension, heart failure, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, shock and congenital heart diseases.
Another feature of Textbook of Medical Physiology by Indu Khurana is the use of color illustrations and diagrams to enhance the visual appeal and clarity of the text. The book contains over 1500 figures, many of them original and drawn by the authors themselves. The figures are designed to illustrate the key points and mechanisms of physiology in a simple and schematic manner. The book also uses color codes to differentiate between different types of information, such as definitions, summaries, clinical correlations and important facts.
A third feature of Textbook of Medical Physiology by Indu Khurana is the provision of online support and supplementary material for students and teachers. The online resource, accessible through a unique code provided with the book, offers a wealth of additional content such as animations, videos, images and self-assessment questions. The animations and videos demonstrate various physiological processes and phenomena in a dynamic and interactive way. The images provide high-quality photographs and histological slides of various organs and tissues. The self-assessment questions include multiple choice questions, true/false questions, fill in the blanks and short answer questions that test the students' understanding and retention of the concepts covered in the book. 29c81ba772